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- Gilmore, Kylie
So Revealing Page 2
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Page 2
She parked a hand on her hip. “Why do I need to build muscle?”
“I heard you were a personal trainer. Of course, you don’t need to build muscle.” He gave her an appreciative once-over in a snug dark green long-sleeve shirt and tight black jeans with high-heeled boots. She was only a few inches shorter than his own five eleven. Those long legs would feel fantastic wrapped around him. “Your body is amazing.”
She arched a brow. “Does that normally work on your conquests?”
He shook his head. Somehow he kept screwing things up with her. “I didn’t mean it bad. I used to be a personal trainer and I’m just appreciating your fitness efforts. I’ll bet your core is rock solid.”
She shot him an exasperated look. But the fact was, she was still standing there, so he tried another angle—super-sincere gentleman. He knew what it looked like from his dad and a few of his brothers, even if he didn’t put it into regular practice.
“Charlotte,” he said in a husky tone, taking her hand and tucking it in his, “I was only thinking of a nice meal and conversation. I would never see you or any other woman as a conquest.” He loved women, and he’d been raised to treat them with respect. Charlotte had caught his eye at the wedding in her slinky yellow dress. Unlike most women, she actually stuck in his mind. Probably because of the fiery temper she showed when she called him on his game. She challenged him, excited him. Kind of like his stunt work, but better. No woman had interested him beyond a onetime meeting in a very long time. He couldn’t wait to see her again, so when work called him back to the East Coast, he was ready to move things to a much more personal level.
She pulled her hand from his and cocked her head. “You’re a smooth talker, I’ll give you that, but your words lack substance.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I don’t believe that shit.”
He barked out a laugh, liking her even more for her bluntness. “How about drinks?”
He took her hand and turned her in a slow twirl, like they were dancing. She went with it. “You are hard to get.” She’d told him that at the wedding reception. He reminded her so she’d know she’d stuck in his mind.
She flashed a stunning smile and quickly shut it down. He twirled her back around and kept her hand in his. “One drink,” he said. “Come on, you can do one drink.”
She pulled her hand from his and studied him. He worked on a sincere gentleman expression, but it was damn hard when he was naturally up for a good time. Fast and furious was his go-to mode. He lived for the rush. It made his job perfect for him.
He gave her a slow smile. “Tempted, aren’t you? Let me sweeten the deal. Drinks and dancing.”
She pursed her lips, thinking it over. “Mad says none of her brothers can fast dance.”
“Mad doesn’t know everything.” He leaned down to her ear. “I can’t get you out of my mind. One drink, dancing after if you want, no pressure.” He pulled back to look at her, hoping she’d see the sincerity in his eyes.
She blew out a long breath. “One drink.”
Victory surged through him. “Great!” He pulled out his cell. “Give me your number and we’ll work out a time.”
“Next Thursday night, seven o’clock, after my last class at the gym,” she said. No number, but at least she’d agreed to a time.
He nodded. “Yeah, I can do Thursday night. What gym?”
“It’s in Clover Park. Peak Fitness. It used to be Flying Leap Fitness when Derek owned it.”
“I used to work there! Cool. Is Derek still there?”
“New management. Now it’s Becca. It’s a women’s fitness gym.”
He tucked his cell into his jeans pocket. “Okay. So I’ll pick you up there and we’ll go—”
She held up a hand like a stop sign. “We’ll have one drink of water at the gym and then I will go home.”
His brows furrowed in confusion. He thought he’d been doing a victory lap here. “A drink of water,” he echoed.
“That’s our date?”
“That’s your one drink.” She bit back a smile, her eyes positively gleeful.
He narrowed his eyes. Tell me you don’t play games. She totally played him there with her drink-of-water date.
“You don’t have to come all the way out from the city for a cup of water,” she added. “I completely understand.”
“Oh, I’ll be there.”
“Sure.” She strode past him, all smirky attitude.
“I will,” he called after her.
“I’ll hold my breath,” she said with a quick glance over her shoulder.
He admired her tight ass and long legs for a mesmerizing moment before remembering himself. “Count on it.”
Chapter Two
Charlotte worked hard to stay focused during her last fitness class on Thursday, trying to keep thoughts of Ty from her mind. He wouldn’t really drive all the way out to Connecticut from the city for a cup of water, right? That would be insane. An hour drive to Clover Park, maybe more with traffic. No man would make that much effort only to be satisfied with a drink and turn right back around. Ya know what? If he showed, it would only prove he was crazy. She didn’t need crazy in her life. If he didn’t show, she’d be just fine. She was much too busy to waste time obsessing over a man.
She walked up and down the rows of women in her advanced aerial hammock swing workout class. It was like yoga on a swing, low-impact with the lovely floating feeling of being in the air. The haunting, soulful music of Simrit played in the background.
“Isn’t this a fun way to stretch?” she asked. The class of a dozen women, mostly in their thirties and forties, agreed with soft murmurs from where they lay on their stomachs on the swings.
She returned to her swing in the front of the room and demonstrated the next move, the bow pose. “Now grab your ankles behind you and feel your chest opening up.” She watched them imitate her in the mirror. She taught a number of classes at the gym, but she liked working one-on-one with a client the best. The results were often outstanding, and she knew that was partly due to the coaching and support she offered. She’d once been in their place. Her boss, Becca, had been her personal trainer.
Twenty minutes and several poses later, she guided them to sitting lotus style on the swing. “Feel your spine lengthening and the crown of your head reaching for the sky.” She closed her eyes, feeling peaceful and refreshed.
Next she guided them to the corpse pose on the mat next to their swing. They always finished with the deeply relaxing pose, lying on their backs, palms up. It was the hardest pose because it was difficult for students to fully relax.
Several moments passed in silence. She was pleased with the progress of her advanced students. Then a murmur ran through the class.
She opened her eyes. The women were whispering and staring at the doorway. No way. He actually showed. For a cup of water!
Ty leaned in the doorway of the room in a white sleeveless shirt and faded jeans, arms crossed. Oh man, she had a real thing for those tribal tattoos wrapped around bulging biceps. It was way too easy to imagine what those arms could do—lifting, carrying, rearranging as he pleased. She flushed at the surprisingly clear image that sprang to mind of Ty rearranging her body as he pleased. In bed.
The women were sitting up now, staring at him.
He gave them all a charming smile. “Hello, ladies. This looks like a fun workout with the swings.”
“Thank you all,” Charlotte said, sitting up. “I’ll see you next week.”
The women seemed frozen, staring at the male beauty leaning in the doorway. “Is that your boyfriend?” one woman asked.
Charlotte gave a quick head shake and remembered her hair was up in a messy ponytail. “No, he used to work here.” She pulled her hair band out, slipped it on her wrist, and quickly smoothed her hair.
Ty pushed off the doorway and headed straight for her, reminding her of a wolf closing in on its prey, slo
w and easy before the pounce. “Charlotte promised me a drink. If the drink goes well, she might even grant me the pleasure of a dance.”
The women tittered. Charlotte stood, fighting back a blush. That sounded so dirty.
Ty smirked. He knew it all right.
She narrowed her eyes. “I’ll meet you in the hallway by the water cooler.”
He smiled and laugh lines formed around his brown eyes. He was all fun and games, the near opposite of her. So why was she suddenly overheated, nerves jangling in anticipation? By the time he reached her side, she was sure everyone could see the flush in her cheeks and neck and everywhere.
He spoke in a warm honey tone. “It’s good to see you again, Charlotte Vega.”
The women awwed in unison. She hadn’t told him her last name, so he must’ve been asking about her. No big deal. He only had to ask his younger sister, Mad.
She inclined her head at Ty before turning to the women. “See you next week, ladies.” She hoped they’d take the hint and leave, but they stayed put, seeming entranced by Ty. She comforted herself with the knowledge that any woman would have this insanely lustful reaction to the man. He oozed sexual confidence and charm.
So-o-o, what to do, what to do. How to handle this awkward situation? She blinked, purposely not looking at Ty, willing her brain to work again. Ah, yes. Work. She shifted away from Ty, busying herself unhooking her hammock swing. She’d have them all washed for the next class.
Ty appeared at her side, towering over her in her bare feet. “Let me help you with that.”
“Sure,” she muttered.
They made short work of the swings, unhooking them and setting them in a large cart. He helped her fold up the mats and put them in the storage closet too. When they finished, she noticed the women from her class lingering in a group around the water cooler in the hallway, talking and sneaking looks at her and Ty.
“Time for our drink,” he announced.
“Yup.” For some reason she felt nervous like this was a real date or something. Absurd. They were getting a drink from the water cooler just like everyone else.
He crooked his elbow, offering his arm, the gesture taking her by surprise. She was used to men who came on strong. Not a guy who wanted to escort her in a gentlemanly way to the water cooler. She felt sort of light-headed and weird and walked straight to the door without assistance.
“I’m liking the workout clothes,” he told her. She was in a T-shirt and yoga pants.
“It’s my work uniform,” she replied. “Well, here we are.” She filled a paper cup with water and handed it to him.
He took it, somehow managing to brush his finger across the underside of her wrist at the same time. Slick. She knew his type. So smooth, all player all the time.
Also, her wrist sort of tingled.
She ignored that and got herself a drink.
He finished, crumpled the cup and tossed it in the small wastebasket. “Dance?”
She kept drinking her water. The women nearby had quieted, watching the exchange with interest.
“Did you enjoy the drink?” His voice was velvet, smooth and dangerously soft.
She quickly finished the water and tossed the cup in the trash. “Lovely. Thanks so much.”
He took her hand. “Then it seems we should have that long-awaited dance.”
She swallowed hard. There was something a little dangerous about the gleam in his eye. “I’m good, thanks.”
He looked around, speaking to the group. “What do you think, ladies? I owe her a dance from a wedding where I missed my chance. Wouldn’t you like to see me get that dance today?”
“Oh, yeah!” was the general consensus.
Charlotte didn’t appreciate Ty involving her students like they were putting on a show. “You want to dance so much, you go right ahead.”
His smile was wicked and a little self-congratulatory like he’d won a victory. He took her hand, and she pulled away. “No, just you,” she said.
“You believe this?” he asked the group with a cheerful grumble.
No one could. The women urged her to dance with him. Someone whispered, “I’ll do it for you.”
Ty’s eyes were locked on hers. She crossed her arms.
He let out a big sigh. “I do owe you a dance. Okay, fine. Put on whatever’s on your playlist.”
“Sure thing,” she said. “We’d all love to watch you dance.” There was no way any man would dance in front of a group of women by himself. Besides, he could probably only slow dance. “Probably be a fast dance,” she added.
One corner of his mouth lifted. “Awesome.”
She stared at him. You serious?
He jerked his chin. Watch me.
The silent communication freaked her out, like they were actually in tune with each other or something. She whirled and went back in the workout room to her cell phone and clicked over to her personal workout playlist. It would synch to the speaker dock. The women trailed behind them, watching with open curiosity.
Ty came up behind her, his heat warming her back. She had the strangest urge to lean back and just melt into him. He reached around her to hold the cell and check out her music. His forearm had a long thin scar and ropey muscle. She stared at that scar, wondering how many he had from doing stunts. A flutter of worry for his safety joined the butterflies in her stomach. Her brain was fuzzy, addled with his proximity and his woodsy, musky outdoor sex scent.
He read over her shoulder, his breath running hot over her ear. “‘SexyBack’ by Justin Timberlake? I’d love to.”
“Maybe something less, um…” She quickly scrolled through the rest of her playlist for a less sexy song. No, not that one, ooh, definitely not that one. Apparently she favored sexy songs.
His voice dropped to a husky register. “You dirty girl.”
She whirled.
Ty gave her a smirky knowing look. “Put on ‘SexyBack,’ unless you’re afraid of what you might see.”
“I’m not afraid,” she muttered, pulling the song up and hitting play.
Ty strutted toward the center of the room and turned, his dark eyes heated and locked on hers. She held her breath, wondering if he’d make a fool of himself, and what did that say about him if he was willing to do that for her?
He did a sensuous full body wave and then he snagged the bottom of his shirt with one hand, lifting as he moved in another full body wave. Holy hotness. She stared at each inch of exposed tanned skin as ridged abs, pecs, and enormous shoulders came fully into view. He pulled the shirt off and tossed it to her.
A cheer went up. Not from her. She was speechless. The shirt bounced off her limp hand and hit the floor.
The women rushed to where she stood to get a better view of Ty. “Oh, yeah, baby!” they cheered. “Take it all off!”
“Ladies!” she exclaimed.
Ty grinned and kept dancing, doing some chest pops, turning to the side for a sensuous body wave, and then facing front, arms crisscrossing as his hips circled. She broke out in a sweat. Omigod, he was actually good. Beyond good. It was like her own personal Magic Mike. The movie about male strippers was also a dance revue in Vegas now.
He slid to the right, did a jump crisscrossing of his legs for a quick spin, and then hit the floor, landing in a plank position. He did some slow push-ups, legs spread wide that showed every muscular line of his back, and then added some hip action that looked like he was fucking—
His eyes locked on hers. Hot. Penetrating. Fuck me.
“I’d fuck him if I was single,” the woman next to her replied.
Oh, shit, had Charlotte said that fuck-me part out loud?
Ty flipped to his back, sitting, hands on the floor, legs apart, and then slowly thrusting upward, once, twice, three times before springing to his feet. My own personal sex dance. The women were going nuts, cheering him on and catcalling. She suddenly wished it was just the two of them. His heated gaze always returned to her, holding her under his spell. He kept his jeans on, but the hi
p action on this guy left no question how he’d be in the bedroom. Ty’s dancing showed off all of his best features—shoulders, chest, abs, basically everything. He was fucking spectacular. If dance was foreplay, she was ready to go. The song ended suddenly and he finished—
With a backflip!
The entire room gasped in shock and then broke into applause. Charlotte shut her open jaw with a snap. Omigod. She couldn’t believe he had those kind of moves.
Ty grinned, took a bow, and jogged over to her. “How’d I do?”
“Wonderful!” the women enthused.
“Charlotte?” Ty prompted.
She gazed at the drop of sweat trickling down his chest to a dark arrow leading to the bulge in his jeans. She licked her lips, wanting to trace every muscular line of his body with her tongue.
Ty took her hand and kissed the back of it. “We had our drink, we had our dance, how about a sunset dinner cruise on my yacht?”
“Yes!” the women chorused.
“Oh, Charlotte, you have to go,” one woman said. “Do it for us!”
She met his warm gaze, still a little stunned at his performance. “How did you learn to dance like that?”
He leaned close, his voice rumbling in her ear, giving her a hot shiver. “My friend dragged me to a workshop with the choreographer for the Magic Mike movies. He wanted to audition for the Las Vegas show. The backflip was all me. Did you like?”
He pulled back to look at her and she nodded automatically. His bare muscular chest and massive shoulders were doing what no man had done for her in a very long time. A raw aching need combined with pure liquid heat.
She had to touch. Her hand settled on his warm chest.
His large hand covered hers, holding it there. “Would you do me the honor of going on a sunset cruise? I’ll make you dinner. It’s a beautiful yacht—”
“Yes,” she said softly, completely taken in by his charm, his extraordinary effort for a date, and all that sweet sincerity.
The women cheered. She dropped her hand from Ty’s beautiful chest, coming back to herself to address their audience. “Okay, ladies. Show’s over.”
Ty snagged his shirt from the floor and pulled it back on. “Saturday. I’ll pick you up at four thirty.” He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and swaggered toward the door.